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Umbrella In Rain | 雨中傘

Today, a sudden rain outside my studio induced some perception of mine on an umbrella.
Human considers umbrella as one of the essential tools to be utilized during a rainy day.
Umbrella shelter human with its impervious surface by draining the rainwater until the edge,
then gravitationally fall down to ground.
Sometime I will look at this object and start to imagine: Why we have to resist rain from falling on them?
Give and receive is existed in the nature of the order, disorder will occur if we do not receive it, or resist it,
or even manipulate it from what is given.
After a period of time, we will get used to living in the environment which is disordered.

Try to explore the gesture of umbrella, make it embrace the sky by facing upward.
Try to adjust the perception of handling something, make it open to different opinions.
工作室外的一場陣雨, 喚起了我對雨傘的想法.
雨傘, 被歸類為下雨天時必用工具之一;
雨傘, 將人籠罩其下, 使用其具有抗水性的表面將雨水一一引致邊緣,好讓人不著水.
有時我會觀察這件物體, 幻想: 怎麼雨從天而降, 為何非要把它排走不可?
施與受乃存在於大自然的循環定律, 若不接受大自然恩賜的一切,
反之違抗它, 或者改寫定律的規則,

嘗試開拓雨傘的姿態, 將 其朝上擁抱雨天.
嘗試調整處事的觀念, 將其不限容納想法.

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